******this part is a fiction that use for Journalism class project******


Aum-Patchapa robbed of 10 million
The renowned actress had regretted when found her Asoke luxury home was robbed.

Staff reporter

ฺิ                                                    Entertainment photographer / Manot Rutta

     Bangkok-Yesterday, When Aum-PatChapa Cheipachai and her family came back to Thailand, They found something happened in their address. It cause her father's amulets and  mother's diamond necklace were missing. (value 10,280,000 Bath.)

      Hot star said that she felt terrible and never think before about this occurrence. "Two week ago, my family and me were travelling in Italy. When came back home, we found everything scattered, so we though this home is not us. Aum believe in capability of Thai police that can catch thieve and found my things" Aum said with a tear

     "I also never think about it before. My husband and me are her neighbor for five years. Aum told us a day before they went to aboard. I think it happened at noon because we would go to work that can not help to care her home” Manusnun Aum's  neighbor said.
      From inspecting report, officer found the window on second floor had broken andyanked, curved steel had cut to be entrance. All rooms were ransacked and they did not find any finger print. About 11:48 A.M. on August, 25 2012, CCTV in the garden recorded clearly two stranger men tried to come in the house by  climbing the fence and hold a long steel pipe. It is the important evidence of this case.
    Continue the CCTV, Burglars names are Nokru Kamsamut and Wiwage Jatjan who are escaping. And now the official was following to catch the couple brigand to litigate.


Doraemon robot of future
Japanese invest $ 100 million to develop a robot in dream to be real.

Staff reporter

                                                                           Local photographer / Yamada Suzuki

       Japan – Yesterday, Masaki Takeshi Moter, The the largest robot and car manufacturer in Japan launched a model cat robot Doraemon from the comic by Fujiko Fujio. The company want it to be real by investment in this project about 100 million dollars.

       The robot was developed by Masaki would look like in the comic. Doraemon robot can make everything seem like creatures. It can process quickly and can interact with people and animals. Moreover the cat can walk, run, dance, sing and up and down the stairs. The most important thinking of manufacturers will make Doraemon be a mobile computer like a comic Chobit that has everything like human, but has nonsense.

      Although, developer of the company said that there's nothing they will not make Doraemon has life,unless you want the magic out of the ventricular but many people of Japan think it's impossible and this investment is paying off.

     Masaki Takeshi Motor, The owner of this project is expected to be very overwhelming. If Doraemon is successes, it will be the source of robots that have a similar appearance and the extent like humans. The secret is getting out of the sky in this way.


Surprised the White Panda
The White Panda is the new national symbol of China

Staff reporter

                                                                             Local photographer / Chen Guanzi

       China - Yesterday, there was a surprise in China, when veterinarians and researchers in Dong Chin zoo in Yunnan, China met a new baby panda grew up that have everything the same as its parents, but its body is white and changed eye color.

       This little panda is the child of the mother panda named Ming Ming and the father panda named Da Jia. This is a pair of pandas beloved at the zoo. Both panda were added since the age of six months due to wildlife conservation centers in the city can not bear it either. After that, the zoo take care them and continue does propagation species.

      Ming Ming had given birth to a child by natural way called Fei Hong that his shape and his habits similar to Da Jia. Until the beginning of 2012, Ming Ming gave a gift to the people of China which pregnant the first female little panda with with IVF. The baby panda was born on April 17, 2012.

       In the beginning, new panda like her brother Fei Hong and another pandas. Three month after that, the research found the little was strange that was not appearance by a black on her body and her eyes also change color from black to red on both sides. The veterinarian confirmed that both eyes see normally and the panda is not modified any genetic.

      Wen Qin a researcher and zoologist at the Dong Chin zoo was interviewed to several journalists office. “This baby panda is born from the combination of recessive gene from each parent of Ming Ming and Da Jia. This situation may be possible to achieve this with just one in a hundred thousand which is similar to albino animals such as elephants, tigers, barking deer, but it was difficult because pandas are rare and endangered” she said

      Now the zoo has not yet named the female baby panda, so Dong Chin organized the named new panda competition that for the Chinese children less than 12 years. The name of the young kid who has the most votes that will receive a special award from the zoo, but the zoo disclosed what is it and said that absolutely children will be happy.


Africa found big Amber dinosaur insect
Scientists believe that this area was a habitat of dinosaur in Jurassic era and be the most fertile in the world.

Staff reporter

                                                           Daily photographer /Michel Denit

      Brazil – Yesterday at South of Amazon River basin in Sun Santa Marina, A survey by a group called Greenger found a brown solid big burying itself in Kidaporigo caves. The object has some wonder shape inside itself. It resembles a large insect which has six legs and body width 18 cm and a length of about 30 cm. Then, the group reported to determine this object and this insect.           

     After the discovery, Brazilian archaeologists and geologists have recovered the remains of objects to examine. The object that is solid brown was amber resin. The insect that is in the amber has same ancestral species as cockroaches. Ages of insect is about 160 million years ago in the late Jurassic era. Because it is buried deep in the rock to 200 cm, so it remains now. Until rain erode the rock for a long time to be visible.

     Dr. Jame Halo, expert archaeologist about paleontology of Brazil and gave commented on the discovery of an ancient insect species that are the first enormous insect in the world and its age is so long. Its size shows us to know that this area was a dense forest. There are many large rivers, food sources and sufficient oxygen, so it can grow to be this size.

     Not only, Amber insect that was found, but also found the remains of ancient plant species, plants like mosses and ferns to intact medium dinosaur bones embedded in the rock around them as well.

     Mr. Addrin Manigo explorers in Brazil. The discovery, said: "I ​​set out to explore the waters around here with five friends. Heavy rains made we have to live in this cave so that we have found it. We had never seen the largest insect like this. At first my friends and I were shocked. We think that this may be the greatest discovery of the past. Thanks God to took we found it. Otherwise we would not know that this area had dinosaurs".


New rice resists flooding
Rice was damaged by flooding heavily. Sciences succeed in development of new rice that suffers the flooding.

Staff reporter

                                                                             Daily photographer /Michel Denit

     Thailand - Yesterday, a group of researchers and improved rice varieties of Ministry of Agriculture in Ayutthaya province went to register a new rice patent.  The new generation took five years to develop and try to find the ways to prevent the rot of grain crops from flooding. While every years in Ayutthaya has flooding, it damages agriculture and the annual revenue of 256 million Baht

     Preecha Dachudomsamarn, the agent of researchers said that this cultivar was developed from six rice varieties such as Gorkor 17 rice, Supanburi rice, Ayutthaya1 rice, Nangpaya 132 rice and Ganjan rice. These six species also differ in their sensitivity to light, resistant water and insects. The name of this specie is Yunam rice.

     The results showed Yunam rice test that it sensitizes to the light. Although just a little light, it can create flour and sugar. The rice resists insects that eat the leaves and the seeds nicely. Moreover it also resists water and moisture satisfactory because of the thickness of leave and hardness of seed skin.

     test the Yunam rice by allowing water to flood over the rice about fifty centimeter four months. Two month later, they found the crop still had a normal life. Until the third month, the stems and the leaves begun wilt and fall due to edema. But flooding did not effect to rice kernel until to release water out in the fourth month.

     Although the rice is perfect, but local farmers are concerned that rice may be danger to the organism as GMOs plants. Researchers gave information that Yunam rice is the genetic modification. It came from the features and different rice combinations. That is only natural way so everyone can be assured in the live 100%.

1 comment:

  1. I do like Aum very much. It's very bad news for her family. Thanks for information.
